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Building physics - the most important component for a good life cycle assessment in construction

Grey energy refers to the energy required for the production, transport, storage and disposal of a product. This also takes into account all preliminary products up to the extraction of raw materials as well as the energy consumed for the production processes. The federal government is now planning to look more closely at this life cycle assessment of building materials and the life cycle costs of buildings. We explain the role of building physics in energy-efficient construction in our blog post.


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Benefits and feasibility of storing renewable energies using hydrogen

The world is changing. The subject of sustainability is at the center of many global political discourses and determines the actions and attitudes to life of a large part of the population. In order to minimize climate change, the international community decided in Paris in 2015 to limit global warming to significantly below 2°C, but more likely to below 1.5°C. The building sector, with its total energy consumption, is of particular importance. With a total final energy consumption of more than 40%, the building sector has a key role to play in this. Consequently, success in achieving the climate targets is strongly linked to change in the building sector. 

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Miracle weapon PVT - what are collectors capable of? And what aren't they?

With the rise of photovoltaics in Germany, engineers and scientists have brought an old idea back to the table: the PVT or hybrid collector.

The idea is simple and the promise is great: a PV cell has an efficiency of about 20%. So if an additional 20% of 100% solar radiation is lost due to optical losses (reflection etc.) and only 20% is converted into electricity, the remaining 60% is lost. So why not use this as heat!


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