Wastewater-heating replaces gasturbine
As part of the transformation plan, goodmen energy first carried out an inventory of the heating network. Various options for a climate-neutral supply were then examined and compared with each other.
The existing natural gas-powered heating system is located at the Westbad and supplies residential and commercial buildings as well as the Westbad.
The total length of the existing heating network is approx. 2.5 km. It is fed by gas turbines, a gas CHP unit and gas boilers.
In order to decarbonize the network, the suitability of various regenerative sources was examined and weighted according to ecological and economic aspects.
Taking all factors into account, an adjacent wastewater canal proved to be the best solution for the site for the year-round use of wastewater heat. Various heat exchanger concepts were investigated. The wastewater heat pump can generate a large proportion of the heat in a CO2-neutral way (approx. 70%). In the long term, the remaining 30% could be covered by a bank filtrate heat pump, for example.
Following a comprehensive source analysis, a target analysis of the network with demand scenarios and a profitability analysis, a transformation path to greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045 was finally developed.