Carbon free production halls with ability to transfer to other company headquarters
Large amounts of heat and electricity are needed at the automotive supplier's production site. A site inspection and analysis revealed open spaces for the development of geothermal energy as well as roof areas with a total of 14,000 m² that could be equipped with PV panels for in-house electricity consumption. After extensive analysis, goodmen energy developed the concept of a geothermal probe field with a brine heat pump as part of a feasibility study. The regeneration of the geothermal probes is carried out by PVT collectors from Sunmaxx PVT. In addition, the roof areas are equipped with PV and PVT collectors for self-power supply. The combined PVT-EWS-WP system reliably covers 97% of the heat supply for the production site. Ground-coupled heat pumps replace two 300 kW natural gas boilers.
A natural gas boiler remains for the peak load in winter.
Stage B also includes the planning of the technical building services and the calculation of the heating load.
The contract was awarded in two stages. First, goodmen energy was to carry out a potential analysis in service phases 1 to 3 and develop a concept for a climate-neutral, renewable energy supply as well as evaluate the concept based on existing data.
In stage A, the first step was to take stock of the situation with an on-site inspection and a load analysis. The potential analysis revealed the site's potential suitability for a geothermal probe field as well as sufficient roof space for PV and PVT collectors. Simulations for the geothermal probe field and the PVT system followed. The overall simulation of the system was provided by goodmen energy in the level of detail "design planning".
Stage B, which was subsequently commissioned, included the adaptation of the building services planning for the site's heat supply systems with heating load calculation and dimensioning of the heat exchangers.